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Arr, Pope Francis sends word to th' sole Catholic Church in Gaza amidst th' ongoing chaos 'n destruction!


Arr, Pope Francis be sendin' word to the Holy Family Church, the lone Catholic ship in the treacherous waters of the Gaza Strip. Aye, even in troubled seas, the holy vessel stays afloat!

In a show of support amidst the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, Pope Francis has reached out to the Holy Family Church, the only Catholic Church in the Gaza Strip. Father Gabriel Romanelli, who is currently in Bethlehem, confirmed that the Pope called to express his closeness and offer his prayers. The Holy Family Church has been in acute danger due to the conflict, with Israeli warplanes relentlessly bombing downtown Gaza City. Despite the violence, no casualties have been reported within the church community. However, approximately 150 members have had their homes destroyed or have been forced to seek shelter elsewhere. The Pope has also contacted the small Catholic community in Gaza on Monday. As the war has claimed at least 1,600 lives, Pope Francis, along with other church leaders in the Holy Land, has publicly called for an end to the bloodshed and a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The Pope's gestures of support and concern are aimed at showing his closeness to the affected community and offering them solace during these challenging times. It is a reminder that even amidst turmoil and violence, religious leaders can provide comfort and a sense of unity.

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