The Booty Report

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Arrr! The White House be claimin' '20 or more' of me fellow Americans be missin' in Israel amidst the scurvy dog attacks by Hamas!


Arrr! Me hearty, the Cap'n o' National Security, Jake Sullivan, be utterin' that a score o' Yanks be lost at sea in Israel, while a fierce battle brews betwixt the scallywags o' Hamas an' Israel. Yo ho ho!

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced that there are at least 20 Americans missing in Israel due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. However, he clarified that their status as missing does not necessarily mean they are being held hostage. Sullivan emphasized that the exact number of Americans being held hostage by Hamas is unknown. The White House will be working to determine the whereabouts of these missing Americans and to confirm the number of hostages. Sullivan acknowledged that the figure of Americans who are unaccounted for could potentially increase.

President Biden also addressed the situation, stating that at least 14 Americans have been killed since the start of the war. He condemned the actions of Hamas, describing them as an act of pure evil. Biden also asserted that Americans are being held hostage by the terrorist organization.

The conflict has already claimed the lives of 1,600 people, with over 1,000 of them in Israel. The situation remains tense, and efforts are being made to bring stability and locate the missing individuals. The White House and President Biden are closely monitoring the situation and working to ensure the safety of American citizens affected by the conflict.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has garnered international attention and concern. The number of casualties continues to rise, and efforts are underway to de-escalate the situation and bring about a peaceful resolution. The safety and well-being of American citizens in the region are a top priority for the United States government.

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