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Biden be screevin' at the Israeli Cap'n Netanyahu, beggin' him to spare the landlubbers while fightin' them Hamas scallywags!


Arrr, President Biden be tellin' that Israeli scallywag, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to be keepin' those innocent landlubbers safe from harm while dealin' with them pesky Hamas sea dogs stirrin' up trouble in Israel.

In a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Biden urged the Israeli leader to minimize civilian casualties in the ongoing conflict with Hamas. The Biden administration is working with other countries to establish safe passage out of Gaza for civilians at risk of being caught in the crossfire. The plan is for civilians to escape through a southern corridor leading into Egypt. This phone call marked Biden's most direct plea to Israel regarding efforts to avoid civilian casualties. Biden emphasized that Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas and pledged U.S. military aid to protect the country from future attacks. He stated that if the United States faced similar circumstances, their response would be swift and overwhelming. Biden also stressed the importance of acting within the rule of law and upholding international laws of war, which require proportionality and the avoidance of indiscriminate killing of civilians. The White House provided a readout of the call, stating that Biden underscored the need for all countries to condemn Hamas's brutal actions, likening them to the atrocities committed by ISIS. The conflict has resulted in over 2,000 deaths, with thousands more wounded and many taken hostage, subjected to rape, torture, and murder by Hamas. Netanyahu described Hamas as even worse than ISIS and emphasized the need to treat them accordingly. Israel's cabinet has declared war for the first time in 50 years after Hamas launched a significant attack against the Jewish state. The U.S. has sent its first shipment of "advanced ammunition" to Israel, including interceptors for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system.

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