The Booty Report

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Arrr! Iraq, Jordan, Egypt be condemnin' Israel for assaultin' Gaza as the Holy Land be wardin' off strikes from Syria and Lebanon!


Arrr, me hearties! Many a land, like Jordan and Iraq, be answerin' Israel's blow to Hamas, who be governin' Gaza. Yarrr! The country be fightin' off assaults from Lebanon and Syria, too. Avast ye, these be tumultuous waters!

Several Middle Eastern countries and regional authorities have expressed their opinions on the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas forces in Gaza. The conflict began when Hamas terrorists carried out attacks on Israeli civilians, resulting in the deaths of over 2,200 people in just five days. Leaders in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt have condemned Israel and expressed their support for fighters in Gaza. The war is expected to escalate as Israel has amassed forces near its border with Gaza, and rocket fire from Gaza continues to fall on Tel Aviv. Other leaders, including the Vatican, have called for an end to the violence and the killing of innocent civilians.

Palestinian factions based in Damascus have also expressed their support for fighters in Gaza, claiming that Hamas is helping to liberate their land. Concerns have been raised about the possibility of a regional war, as tensions rise in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. The Kata'ib Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed group in Iraq, has threatened to attack American bases if the US intervenes in the conflict. King Abdullah II of Jordan has called for peace and a two-state solution, while Al-Azhar al-Sharif, a prominent Sunni religious institution, has accused Israel of committing genocide and war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi has warned about the grave security and humanitarian repercussions of the conflict.

Pope Francis has called for the immediate release of hostages taken by Hamas and expressed concern about the total siege that Palestinians in Gaza are living under. The war has resulted in thousands of casualties and injuries on both sides. The situation remains tense, with no resolution in sight.

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