The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! State 'n Local Governments be sittin' on a shipload o' booty - billions in pandemic gold!


Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Tis been a mere two years since the crown granted a mighty sum of $350 billion doubloons to aid the states and localities in battling the pestilence. Yet, alas! Most of the booty remains untouched. Aye, 'tis a sad tale indeed!

Arrr, me mateys! Aye, ye heard it right! Two years 'ave passed since the federal government dug deep into their treasure chests, pullin' out a hefty sum of $350 billion in emergency funding fer states and localities to battle the dreaded public health crisis. But alas, it seems that much o' that loot has gone untouched!

Now, me hearties, ye may be wonderin' why this be the case. Be the governors hoardin' all the riches like a pack of greedy scallywags? Nay, that be not the case! Ye see, the problem be not the governors, but the devil's snare called bureaucracy. It be like tryin' to navigate through a treacherous sea filled with never-endin' paperwork and hoops to jump through.

Avast! Some argue that the states and localities be wary of spendin' too much too soon, fearin' the wrath of the mighty audit. They be wantin' to make sure every penny be accounted for, lest they walk the plank and be forced to hand back the booty.

But ye know what be even worse than bureaucracy, me hearties? 'Tis the squabblin' and fightin' amongst the crew. Some states be arguin' amongst themselves over who gets the biggest slice of the pie. It be like a bunch of scurvy dogs fightin' over a single bone. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold!

So there ye have it, me mateys! Two years later, and much o' the emergency funding be still lyin' in wait, gatherin' dust. But fear not, for there be still time to use this treasure wisely. Let us hope that the states and localities can figure out how to untangle themselves from the clutches of bureaucracy and form a united front against the public health crisis. Arrr, we be waitin' with bated breath, for the day when this treasure be put to good use and the land be free from the grip of this cursed plague!

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