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Avast ye! 4 souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker, and 50 landlubbers be hurtin' as a train be derailed in India!


Arrr! Word has reached me ears of a terrible happenin' in the east o' India. A passenger train hath been derailed, claimin' the lives o' four unfortunate souls. 'Tis said that 50 more were left injured. Aye, 'tis a grim sight, me hearties!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, mateys, I bring ye news of a calamity on the high rails of eastern India. Arr, a train hath derailed, claimin' the lives of at least four souls and leavin' 50 others injured. This misfortune occurred on the North-East Express train, which be voyagin' from New Delhi to Assam state. Six of its 23 coaches met a tragic end near Raghunathpur railroad station in Buxar district, Bihar state.
The Press Trust of India be quotin' a police officer, Manish Kumar, who confirms the loss o' four lives in this disaster. The injured were swiftly taken to hospitals, but darkness be hinderin' the rescue efforts. Ambulances be rushin' to the scene, while hospitals be preparin' to receive the wounded passengers. D.K. Pathak, a railroad official aboard the train, says most o' the injuries befallen in one o' the derailed coaches, but further details be a mystery for now.
This be not the first misfortune to befall Indian railways this year, me hearties. In June, a dreadful accident claimed the lives o' over 280 souls and injured 900 more. A malfunction in the signal system be blamed for that catastrophe. Most train mishaps in India be caused by human error or outdated signalin' equipment, ye see. Aye, in August 1995, a collision near New Delhi resulted in the loss of 358 lives, while a derailing in 2016 claimed the lives of 146 souls between Indore and Patna.
But fear not, landlubbers, for the Indian railway system be vast, carryin' over 12 million hearty souls each day on its 40,000 miles of tracks. Let us hope that measures will be taken to prevent such disasters in the future, so that these treacherous trails may be sailed upon with greater safety for all who set foot upon them.

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