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Arrr, mateys! Trump's boast of 'Absolute Immunity' be but a scurvy ship that be crashin' against Supreme Court tides!


Avast! Th' ol' captain claims 'e be havin' "absolute immunity." Yet a shipload o' Supreme Court rulings be spewin' a tale o' a different tune, mateys!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, let me regale ye with a tale about a former president who claims to possess the mighty power of “absolute immunity.” Arr, but fear not, me hearties, for the Supreme Court be tellin' a different story!

Now, this former president, he be thinkin' his immunity be akin to the treasure chest full o' gold doubloons. Aye, he be believin' he can sail through the treacherous waters of justice without a scratch. But here be the truth, me buckos, the Supreme Court be havin' a different map to follow.

Over the years, the Supreme Court has made its intentions crystal clear. They be sayin' that no man, be he a president or a simple landlubber, can claim to be untouchable. They be settin' the precedent that even the highest office in the land cannot protect ye from the reach of the law.

Now, ye may be wonderin', how can this be, me mateys? Well, the Supreme Court be havin' a keen eye for justice and a love for fair play. They understand that power unchecked be like a rogue wave, capable of bringin' a ship to its knees.

So, ye see, this former president's claim be naught but a feeble attempt to protect his loot. But the Supreme Court be havin' the final word. They be sayin' that no pirate, no matter how powerful, can escape the clutches of justice. The law be like the Kraken, always lurkin' beneath the surface, ready to strike when ye least expect it.

So, me hearties, let us raise a mug o' grog to the Supreme Court and their wise decisions. They be the true keepers of justice, protectin' us from those who would claim immunity. And as for this former president, well, he be learnin' the hard way that ye can't outrun the long arm of the law, no matter how fancy yer ship may be.

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