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Arrr, a Yale scoundrel be lambasted for his 'vile' blather 'bout Hamas' assaults on Israel! Claimin' settlers be no mere civilians!


Arrr, me mateys be cryin' from the digital seas, demandin' that Professor Zareena Grewal be marooned from Yale Uni! She be postin' tweets in favor o' Hamas, scurvy dogs, takin' a swipe at poor ol' Israel. Walk the plank, she must!

A Yale professor, Zareena Grewal, is facing backlash on social media after making remarks that seemed to downplay the murder of Israeli civilians by Hamas and portray Israel as an oppressive regime. Grewal, an associate professor at Yale University, previously published a book and created a film focusing on transnational Muslim networks and the radicalization of Islam. Her tweet, in response to journalist Rachel Shabi condemning the Hamas attack on Israeli civilians, stated that settlers are not civilians. This comment sparked outrage, especially as Hamas launched a major attack on Israel, resulting in the death of at least 1,200 Israelis. Many users on social media criticized Grewal's tweet, calling it vile and evil.

Grewal's controversial tweets continued, as she referred to Israel as a genocidal settler colonial state and retweeted claims that Israel has a "mad bloodlust." A petition was started calling for Grewal's removal from the Yale faculty, accusing her of promoting lies and violence. The petition has already garnered over 16,000 signatures.

Grewal has not responded to the backlash, and both she and Yale University have not provided any comment on the matter. Grewal's Twitter account has been made private. It is worth noting that Grewal is a contributor to various media outlets, including the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, and The Islamic Monthly, and has received awards for her writing and research. The controversy surrounding Grewal's remarks highlights the ongoing tensions surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict and the divisive nature of discussions on social media.

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