The Booty Report

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Arr, as Israel be gearin' up fer battle in Gaza, the quarrel be on how and for how long, matey!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The land lubber's united crew reckons that this here Hamas must be sent to Davy Jones' locker, so it ne'er be a thorn in Israel's side. Though, methinks tis no yearning for another conquest.

In the language of a 17th century pirate, I reckon I'd say it like this, mateys! The folks in charge of the land have come to an agreement, they have! Aye, they all be united and in accord, they be! They all be sayin' that this scurvy dog called Hamas needs to be obliterated, never to be able to lay eyes upon Israel again! Aye, they be wantin' to make sure that Israel be free from their wicked attacks!

Yet, here be the twist, me hearties! They don't be so eager to go back and claim that land once more, no sir! They be sayin' that they've had their fill of occupying it! Aye, no appetite do they have for a reoccupation! They be rememberin' the days of old when they took that land, and they'd rather not have to do it all over again!

Can ye imagine, me mateys? The leaders be agreein' that Hamas needs to be wiped off the face of the earth, but they be hopin' it can be done without havin' to take the land back! It be quite the conundrum, I tell ye! But I reckon it be a sign of the times, aye!

So, here we be, with the leaders all talkin' the talk, sayin' that Hamas must be destroyed for good! But when it comes to walkin' the walk, they be thinkin' twice about takin' back the land they already claimed! It be a curious situation, indeed!

But fear not, me hearties! I reckon they'll find a way to deal with this scurvy dog called Hamas without havin' to go back to the days of reoccupation! Aye, they be clever folks, those leaders! They'll figure it out!

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