The Booty Report

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Arrr! A brave soul in Israel be spoutin' tales o' the horrors faced, caused by them scurvy Hamas dogs!


Avast, me hearties! A brave ZAKA volunteer be spillin' his tale o' terror, recountin' the gruesome sights he beheld whilst recoverin' victims' bodies after the scurvy Hamas attacks in Israel. He be callin' it a vile 'genocide', a memory that shall forever haunt our souls.

In the aftermath of the recent attacks by Hamas in Israel, ZAKA volunteer Tomer Peretz described the scene as beyond what one would expect in a regular war. Peretz, an American artist visiting Israel with his two sons, witnessed the horrific aftermath of the attacks and immediately volunteered with ZAKA, a search and rescue operation specializing in locating and clearing dead bodies. The ZAKA crew collected resources and equipment from a previous music festival tragedy and headed to a village near Gaza. In just one day, they picked up over 100 bodies in the small farming community. Peretz documented the atrocities on his Instagram account, expressing his disbelief and shock at the level of brutality inflicted on innocent civilians, including babies and children. The bodies were often unrecognizable due to the torture and burning. Peretz emphasized that this was not a regular war, but a genocide. Despite the emotional toll, he was determined to continue helping and shared his videos and experiences to raise awareness about the situation in Israel. The humanitarian response to the attacks has been overwhelming, with support pouring in from all over the world. Peretz urged people to pray for Israel and called for the world to see the reality of the atrocities committed by Hamas.

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