The Booty Report

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Arr, th' C.I.A. be shoutin' afore th' Hamas raid, warnin' o' a possible rumble in Gaza!


Avast ye! 'Tis reported that afore the scurvy attack by the Hamas, them fancy reports didn't reckon on such a deadly blow, but they did mention the chance of them rocket barrages, mayhaps.

In the tongue of a 17th century pirate, ye scallywags should know that those blasted reports, released just mere days afore the treacherous Hamas attack, failed to predict a strike so ferocious. But mark me words, they did warn that them rocket attacks be a possibility! Arrr!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why them reports missed the mark, but ye see, even the cleverest seafarers can't always predict the mischief brewing in the dark corners of the seven seas. Aye, the intelligence be a tricky beast, with its mercurial ways and fickle nature. Just like tryin' to catch the wind in yer sails, ye never know which way it be blowin'!

But let me tell ye a tale, me hearties! Them reports, in all their seriousness, be like a map leadin' us through treacherous waters. They be guidin' us, offerin' a glimpse into the murky future. And lo and behold, they did mention those pesky rocket attacks, like cannonballs flyin' through the air!

Now, ye might be scratchin' yer heads and wonderin' why them reports didn't shout from the crow's nest, "Prepare ye for a mighty onslaught!" But fear not, me fellow pirates, for intelligence be a sly fox, always keepin' its cards close to its chest. It be a game of hints and clues, like a treasure hunt where ye must piece together the puzzle yerself.

So, while them reports may not have foreseen the sheer devastation that befell us, they did drop hints, like breadcrumbs leadin' us to safety. Aye, me hearties, next time ye hear of such reports, pay heed! For they be the whispers of the winds, a warnin' of what be lurkin' in the shadows. And if ye be wise, ye'll listen closely, for ye never know when ye might need to batten down the hatches and prepare for a storm!

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