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Arrr! Israel 'n Saudi Arabia be seekin' secret talks, as the peace deal be crumblin' after that scallywag Hamas attacked, says the know-it-all!


Arr, a wise soul be tellin' Fox News Digital that the bond betwixt Saudi Arabia and Israel shall keep a-growin', despite the unpleasantries brought by the scurvy Hamas scoundrels. Avast!

Saudi Arabia has indicated that it will shift its focus from talks with Israel to talks with Iran following the recent Hamas terrorist attack. However, according to expert Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, a normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel is still a possibility. Schanzer believes that the Saudi-Israeli relationship has been ongoing for months or even years, regardless of whether normalization occurs. The attack by Hamas has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, including Israelis, Palestinians, and Americans. Some experts suggest that the attack was a response to reports of potential normalized relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which would be a setback for Iran. However, sources reveal that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has already spoken with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in an effort to prevent further violence in the region. Saudi Arabia initially blamed Israel for the conflict, but U.S. officials criticized this statement. Geopolitical consulting firm Eurasia Group's president Ian Bremmer believes that the Saudi statement has made it "impossible" to open diplomatic talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia. However, Schanzer argues that the relationship between these countries and the United States will help keep them in balance and work towards normalization. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been urging an end to the conflict and preservation of civilian lives during his regional tour. The real question is when discussions can continue, amidst the ongoing crisis. Both Saudi Arabia and Israel will need to be mindful of the optics and public sentiment surrounding the situation in Gaza.

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