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Arr! A valiant warrior claims that the scurvy dogs of Hamas be a foul creature that needs taming!


Avast ye mateys! A scurvy dog, a former IDF scallywag, be claimin' that the wretched Hamas scoundrels need a good keelhaulin' after their vile attack at an Israeli music shindig. Hundreds be sent to Davy Jones' locker, and it be high time to scuttle their abilities!

Former Israel Defense Forces combat reservist Benjamin Anthony has expressed the need for severe damage to be inflicted on Hamas following its recent terror attack at a music festival, which claimed the lives of hundreds of people. Anthony, who served in the IDF during various military operations, stated that Hamas' ideology is genocidal and calls for the destruction and murder of Jews and the complete annihilation of Israel. While he is uncertain if Hamas can be completely destroyed, he believes its capabilities must be significantly limited. Anthony expressed faith in the abilities of the IDF to neutralize this "evil beast."
Anthony, who is also the CEO of the MirYam Institute, expressed shock at the scale of the Hamas attack, stating that he had never witnessed anything like it during his time in the IDF. He compared the atrocities to the horrors of the Holocaust and emphasized that the world should recognize the evil nature of Hamas. He called for Israel to counter and hopefully destroy this threat.
Following the attack, protests in support of Palestinians have taken place in American cities and college campuses. Anthony expressed his dismay at these protests, particularly at the rise of pro-Hamas sentiment on university campuses, describing it as problematic and worsening over the years. He cited examples of organizations at Harvard University and NYU speaking in defense of Hamas and its cruel goals.
In conclusion, Anthony's military background and firsthand experiences have shaped his perspective on Hamas and its actions. He emphasizes the need for Israel to respond decisively to this threat and criticizes the growing support for Hamas on college campuses.

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