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Arrr! The Israeli matey be hopin' for a full-throated scurvy condemnation from the Vatican, says the tales!


Arrr! The scurvy Israeli Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, be takin' a mighty swing at them Vatican officials, blastin' 'em for not condemnin' the dastardly Hamas-led attacks on our beloved Israel! Aye, over 1,200 souls lost on Oct. 7, 2023! Walk the plank, ye Vatican lubbers!

Israel's foreign minister, Eli Cohen, has criticized the Vatican for not condemning the "murderous terrorist actions" of Hamas terrorists who attacked Israel and killed over 1,300 Israelis. Cohen expressed his disappointment to the Holy See's Secretary for Relations with States, Paul Gallagher, stating that Israel expects a clear and unequivocal condemnation from the Vatican. He found it unacceptable that the Vatican expressed concern for Gazan civilians while Israel was mourning the loss of 1,300 lives.

The attack occurred when Hamas-led forces crossed the Israel-Gaza border, taking hostages, and brutally killing innocent people. Thousands were wounded, and many were subjected to rape, torture, and murder. In response to the attack, the Catholic Church issued various reactions. Pope Francis expressed solidarity with the victims' families and prayed for those experiencing terror and anguish. The Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem condemned the violence, stating that it would lead to more hatred and division.

Gallagher had planned to visit Israel, which would have marked the first bilateral visit by a Vatican foreign minister. However, the visit was canceled due to the ongoing conflict. Pope Francis affirmed Israel's right to defend itself but questioned whether it would lead to lasting peace. He prayed for the release of the hostages and expressed his sorrow for the loss of life.

Overall, Cohen's criticism towards the Vatican highlights the frustration of the Israeli government regarding the lack of condemnation for Hamas' actions. The Catholic Church, including Pope Francis, expressed solidarity with the victims but also urged for an end to the violence to prevent further casualties and division.

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