The Booty Report

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Yarr! Yellen be pledgin' more doubloons to aid Ukraine, me hearties, so fear not, ye European mates!


Arrr, me mateys! Fear not, fer the Treasury secretary hath pledged loyalty to our allies. The Biden crew be standin' firm with Ukraine, despite the squabbles in Congress. Avast, ye scurvy landlubbers!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me mateys, the Treasury secretary be sending word to our allies that the Biden administration be standin' strong with Ukraine, even if those landlubbers in Congress be raisin' a fuss!

Ahoy, me hearties, it seems that some scallywags in Congress be tryin' to make trouble for our friends in Ukraine, but fear not, for the Treasury secretary be clearin' the air! He be sayin' that the Biden administration be standin' firm, not takin' a step back from supportin' our comrades across the seas.

Arrr, me lads, it be a mighty relief to hear such news! With all the rumblin' and grumblin' goin' on in the halls of Congress, one might think they be forgettin' the importance of keepin' our allies close. But no, the Biden administration be showin' its true colors, makin' it known that they be committed to standin' by Ukraine's side.

Now, ye scurvy dogs in Congress might be askin', why all the opposition? Well, me hearties, it be no secret that there be always some rascals tryin' to stir up trouble. But the Treasury secretary be brushin' off their complaints like a salty sea breeze. He be makin' it clear that the administration be havin' no intention of abandonin' Ukraine, no matter how many doubloons they try to snatch away.

So fear not, me mateys! The Biden administration be showin' its mettle, provin' that they be no scurvy dogs. They be standin' strong, standin' tall, and standin' with Ukraine through thick and thin! Let those landlubbers in Congress yap and yammer all they want, for our allies be knowin' the truth – the Biden administration be a true friend indeed!

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