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Arr, these scurvy Hamas scallywags be usin' North Korean weapons durin' their dastardly assault on Israel, says the evidence!


Arr, me hearties! Shiver me timbers! Word be spreadin' that them scurvy dogs, the Hamas terrorists, have wielded weapons from the land o' North Korea in their savage attack on Israel! Yet, them North Koreans deny sellin' such arms to the likes of Hamas! Ahoy, the secrets o' the high seas be a myst'ry indeed!

In a humorous tone, the article discusses the likely use of North Korean weapons by Hamas terrorists during an assault in Israel. Analysis and evidence, including a militant video and weapons seized by Israel, indicate the involvement of North Korean arms, although North Korea has denied selling weapons to the terrorist group.

The F-7 rocket-propelled grenade, a shoulder-fired weapon used by Hamas, is at the center of the controversy. The video of Hamas terrorists using this weapon has been confirmed by experts on North Korean arms and South Korean military intelligence. These rocket launchers are valuable for smaller militias and guerrilla forces in skirmishes against heavy vehicles.

According to Matt Schroeder, a senior researcher with Small Arms Survey, it is not surprising to see North Korean weapons with Hamas, as North Korea has long supported Palestinian militant groups. Other weapons used by Hamas, such as the Bulsae guided anti-tank missile and the Type 58 self-loading rifle, have also been linked to North Korea.

The F-7 rocket launcher resembles a widely distributed Soviet-era RPG-7, but with noticeable differences including a distinctive red stripe. Hamas propaganda videos and images of their training show fighters with weapons matching the F-7 design elements.

The Israeli military and South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff have identified the F-7 as one of the North Korean weapons used by Hamas. However, the Israeli military has declined to disclose the origin and manufacturer of the rocket-propelled grenades.

Despite the evidence, North Korea has dismissed the claims as a groundless rumor orchestrated by the United States. It alleges that the U.S. is attempting to shift the blame for the Middle East crisis onto a third country.

This is not the first time North Korea has been accused of supplying weapons to militant groups. In 2012, the United States detected a North Korean cargo plane carrying rockets and rocket-propelled grenades bound for Hamas.

North Korea has maintained diplomatic relations with Palestinian leaders since 1966. The article also mentions North Korea's supply of conventional arms to Russia in its conflict with Ukraine.

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